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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    Ok not twisting it, i dont respect you or the deal, or what you think
    you mean you don't respect the deal you agreed to? Because you are a pos and your word is no good?? Got you that is why I said keep it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by onedesperate View Post
    you mean you don't respect the deal you agreed to? Because you are a pos and your word is no good?? Got you that is why I said keep it.
    My word is good with a respectable deal, sure I have people who will vouch that, I told you my problem, you fail to post that in the convos you posting though, im done with this situation, will not pay it any mind anymore. Like I said good thing your on my list of people who i can give two fucks what they think or else I would have to care about this.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    My word is good with a respectable deal, sure I have people who will vouch that, I told you my problem, you fail to post that in the convos you posting though, im done with this situation, will not pay it any mind anymore. Like I said good thing your on my list of people who i can give two fucks what they think or else I would have to care about this.
    Point blank.....You begged me for a stake and I told you no because you are dead money........So you said if I lose I will pay it back.......So don't act like your not wrong here and you were getting screwed cause I charge you mu.......I've railed you and you can't play. That is why I won't risk my money on you and you agreed to it because it was the only way I would stake you. Now that you lost it you wanna say the deal wasn't fair........So whatever twist it how you want.........

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by onedesperate View Post
    Point blank.....You begged me for a stake and I told you no because you are dead money........So you said if I lose I will pay it back.......So don't act like your not wrong here and you were getting screwed cause I charge you mu.......I've railed you and you can't play. That is why I won't risk my money on you and you agreed to it because it was the only way I would stake you. Now that you lost it you wanna say the deal wasn't fair........So whatever twist it how you want.........
    Well your opinion already proved to be worth nothing before with those statements, time to show you your opinion still means shit... I agreed because I believed you was low on funds and was doing me a favor. You made your dead money statements and stuff after this, matter of fact this stake is what made you come to that conclusion. So i agreed thinking you was doing me a favor but really couldnt afford to then you turn around and stake 3 people in same tourney with no m/u, so I thought about it and didnt like the shit, so came to this, any other member I "owed" something was paid. Point blank period. FU

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    Well your opinion already proved to be worth nothing before with those statements, time to show you your opinion still means shit... I agreed because I believed you was low on funds and was doing me a favor. You made your dead money statements and stuff after this, matter of fact this stake is what made you come to that conclusion. So i agreed thinking you was doing me a favor but really couldnt afford to then you turn around and stake 3 people in same tourney with no m/u, so I thought about it and didnt like the shit, so came to this, any other member I "owed" something was paid. Point blank period. FU
    ok lie if it makes you feel better.........The first time I made you agree to make I told you that you were dead money hence why I made you agree...I don't care......Anybody with common sense can see you are wrong in this scenario.....Which is all I cared about. Plus like you said in pm.......I just owned you hu for $41. Have a good day sir. And no ty on the fu.

  6. #16
    Survey Master
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    Jan 2011
    I am not getting in the middle of anything.

    onedesperate and LCDaBoss are good to me.

    I've had good deals with both and have been paid in full on any loans to LCDaBoss.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Yea won cash HU i just took from somebody else, but still you right it was my $41, and im not lieing, either way I dont remember you telling me that until after this stake, and you can think what you want, im cashing in this money while you wasting money on 3 horses who bust and then bust yourself, basically wasting 4 bullets, maybe more? lol

    Go blow that $41 on tonight stakes you giving out and tourney you run lmao, thank me for padding your bankroll for today

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalsue214 View Post
    I am not getting in the middle of anything.

    onedesperate and LCDaBoss are good to me.

    I've had good deals with both and have been paid in full on any loans to LCDaBoss.

    Nice to see you get paid whats owed to you by me =]

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    I don't understand half of it, but if you agreed to make up and are not doing it or paying it, that is wrong. You should stick to any staking agreement upon agreeing. You can't just change the rules.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by PooffyFooffy View Post
    I don't understand half of it, but if you agreed to make up and are not doing it or paying it, that is wrong. You should stick to any staking agreement upon agreeing. You can't just change the rules.
    You right it is wrong to just change the rule, I also feel he was wrong about he played me or the situation or whatever, in this case im fine with being wrong. And im also fine with anyone who cuts me off for feelings im wrong, all cool, i owe nobody else here why? because i do pay my debts, anyone who think i dont, well I dont need to deal with them. Pretty sure anyone who do business with me on the regular is not worried.

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