I wanted to put this topic in PO talk but I guess I can't so...

At last night's PO 7pm freeroll there was some REALLY bad behavior by most of the table over a couple of stupid hands. Cursing and telling each other to ... well you get the idea. But it was at least 5 guys participating in it. And it just went on and on and ON!
I understand that a lot of the players here are young males but get a grip already! A little self control goes along way in life. There is no reason to berate another player over the bad beat you just took..it happens, get over it.

In the old days and by that I mean just a few years ago, this type of behavior would not be tolerated at a site sponsored game. Such behavior would have resulted in a "time out" from participating in the site games for at least a week or so. I think PO should bring back this tradition.