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  1. #1
    Seasoned Veteran
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    roulette tournament stake plus status on how in doing in roulette tournaments

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    hey, guys not been in here for a long while this year seems that I have 3 roulette tournament opportunities. I was a national roulette finalist in 2016 and have attached the trophy for it. I won £500 cash for winning the national roulette tournament semi-finals and won £50 in casino points for getting the high score on the day of my entry. I did not win the tournament but I did come top 72 in the entire country being the only finalist from my area. I only spent 10 pounds on 2 entries.

    date .................current stake being sold........................stakes bought to date (done as tally)

    28.02.2019 ........£10 for 5%

    date in points to date .................. money in cash to date

    28.02.2019..............£0........................ ........................£0

    names of people who own a stake ....... date stake brought ........ % owned ..... eligible for a refund?

    cash out taken ...... names ....... date taken cash to date...... % of cash to date taken

    terms and conditions
    this stake can vary up and down between 1% to 10% based on the number of stakes given out and the prize money predicted to be available that time of year. This stake does not apply to just the 1 tournament this stake applies to every roulette tournament entered this year. meaning earlier the stake has been made more tournaments your stake will cover. you will obviously not receive a percentage of cash won prior to the stake being made meaning if I won 1st place in the local tournament in March of 2500 pounds you won't receive a piece of that if you made your stake in April or after. your stake will, however, cover roulette games played with any casino points I have won even if I won those points prior to your stake so if I won 300 pounds in points in March and play the roulette game with them in May to convert it into cash ( these points only have a 1x staking limit) the points will be played with for a minimum of 30 spins up to 3 hours. the results shall be posted the same day where the cash will be held onto for roulette play and roulette tournament entries only and 'to date cash out' payouts (if you choose to take a to date cash out you must inbox me or post on this thread to make the request providing it is not during the 'no refund or to date cash out period')
    Any changes to the stake made shall be announced on this thread and if you are not happy with the change you are welcome to sell back your stake for the 10 pounds you paid. Providing you haven't done a 'to date cash out' (explanation of to date cash out can be found further down below) OR during the 'no refund or to date cash out period' (time between the last entry for the roulette tournament and the semi-finals. then after the semi-finals, you will have a 3 to 7-day window before the finals where 'to date cash outs' open. The time frame of this window shall be posted on the thread along with the results of the semi-finals so keep your eyes peeled. After this 3 to 7 day window the refunds and 'to date cash out' period shall close and shall be reopened after the finals once the result of the finals has been posted. During this time the stake can be reduced to a maximum of half or increased to a maximum of double the current stake At that time both 'to date cash outs' and refunds reopen.) after 3 days of 'to date cash outs' and refunds reopen the stake given shall revert back to what it was prior to the 'no refund or to date cash out period' No exceptions so keep an eye ouT Reminder shall be given clearlY. if you want a refund and you bought 5 percent for 10 pounds you will no longer own 5 % but you will get your 10 pounds back no questions asked. The stakes shall remain in my pay pal account until the end of the year unless needed for roulette tournament entries or refunds of stakes. You are also more than welcome to rebuy a stake at the rate available at that time also again this can vary up and down between 1% to 10% based on the number of stakes given out and the prize money predicted to be available that time of year. Any stakeholders will not have there stake reduced unless more than 30% of stakes has been bought then all stakes will be reduced by 1% until they have reached the same level as the current stake being sold. also if the stake at that time sees a rise then all current stakeholders will also receive the raise = to the current stake available free of charge meaning even if you buy a stake early then your stake may drop to the current stake level being sold but you are welcome to sell your stake at any time. however, if the current stake level rises your stake level will also rise meaning current stakeholders will always be minimum of current stake level potentially even higher.
    glossary for terms used
    a 'to date cash out' is where you choose to take your share of any winnings made to date at the stake percentage you currently own. however, once you do this you will be illegible for a refund and your stake percentage owned shall be frozen meaning regardless if the current stake level rises or falls your stake level will remain at the same level you chose to do the 'to date cash out'. the only time your stake will be reduced is if during the year I do a reduction of everyone stake level simultaneously and your reduction shall be by the same amount of percent as everyone else but your percent will never drop below 1 % but before this reduction you shall receive another 'to date cash out' automatically. you can only opt-in for your 'to date cash out' once and once the money has been sent this option is irreversible. Your next cash out won't be until the end of the year or when/if everyone receives a reduction of stake level simultaneously. once you get you 'to date cash out' whatever the cash to date is at the time of the 'to date cash out' shall be reducted from the cash to date on the next 'to date cash out'. this is so you receive your stake on the full amount but so you don't receive your stake on any amount twice. for example, if you cash out in may and cash to date is £400 if you own let's say a 5% stake you will receive your £20. then if your stake gets reduced in July to 3% and the cash to date is £1000 we would subtract the £400 as you have already received your stake for that and you shall receive your 5% of £600 which would be £30 then your stake would be at 3% if there are no more stake reductions which are unlikely to be more than one stake reduction but no more than 3 stake reductions then at the end of the year if I end up with £20,000 in winnings (meaning I have won the national roulette tournament) than because you have already received your stake of £1000 of that money you shall receive 3% of the £19,000 which would be £570.
    the 'no refund or to date cash out period' is the period of time refunds and to date, cash outs shall not be available. the period will be the time between the last entry for the roulette tournament and the semi-finals. then after the semi-finals, you will have a 3 to 7-day window before the finals where 'to date cash outs' open. The time frame of this window shall be posted on the thread along with the results of the semi-finals so keep your eyes peeled. After this 3 to 7 day window the refunds and 'to date cash out' period shall close and shall be reopened after the finals once the result of the finals has been posted. During this time the stake can be reduced to a maximum of half or increased to a maximum of double the current stake At that time both 'to date cash outs' and refunds reopen. after 3 days of 'to date cash outs' and refunds reopen the stake given shall revert back to what it was prior to the 'no refund or to date cash out period' No exceptions so keep an eye out Reminder shall be given clearlY.

    refund policy
    a refund shall only be given if you haven't already taken a 'to date cash out' even if that cash out you opted to take is less than the 10 pounds you paid for your stake. No refunds shall be given during the 'no refund or to date cash out period' all stakes shall be illegible for a refund when all points expected to be won in the year has been converted to cash. Also what is expected to be the second from last 'no refund or to date cash out period' this period shall be the one that is expected to be the period just before the final semifinals is played in a UK tournament. this is because I may end up playing in the europian roulette tournament if enough money has been won to enter it this year or next year. Or a top up in stakes is gathered to cover the cost of the europian roulette tournament. The europian roulette tournament will be the only tournament that your stake will be included for next year other than that your stake for roulette tournaments expire at the end of this year.
    Last edited by bbno42; 02-28-2019 at 05:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Dec 2011
    What reason justifies a = simultaneous reduction of every stake made?
    I shall hold a minimum of 50% of winnings reserved for my self if that 50% is hit then stakes shall be reduced to a maximum minimum levle of 3%. This will be to open up more space for stakes. This is because if I am short for the money needed to enter the europian roulete tournament. What is left of the stakes for this year of roulette tournaments shall be the first chunk of money that shall be used to top up winnings to enter the europian roulette tournament. Which will likely cost me 2500 euros for the package I shall buy. The total prize pool of the europian roulette tournament has an estimated guaranteed prize pool of 200,000 euros with 50,000 euros for first place.

    Will there ever be a reason that will ever justify someone's stake that may have been 10% at one point drop down to below 3%?

    Yes and this is only if I choose to increase my percent of winnings available to me to up to a maximum of 70%. Everyone who owns a stake at this point will own a minimum of 1%. The likely to be the only reason this is likely to happen is because of the funds needed for the European roulette tournament is more than the funds available in both money from the stakes that have been bought and winnings from roulette and roulette tournaments this year after peoples 'to date cashouts have been paid'. This is to allow me to have up to 20% available to me to sell for the europian roulette tournament to raise the additional funds so I still receive my minimum of 50% in winnings. If needed I shall pay the aditional money needed to enter the europian roulette tournament but by doing so I will want my additional share of the winnings because of this.

    This sounds like an amazing opportunity! This is clearly a gamble but with your track record in roulette tournaments. I want to buy out all the stakes availble for sale so can I send you the £100 for the 50% as to date (28.02.2019 is £10 for 5%)?

    no this is due to the fact that I want to give this opportunity to as many people as possible rather than just one person no matter how much one person is willing to give. Also because once that 50% of stakes have been bought all of a sudden they will be simutaniousley reduced meaning lets say they get reduced to 3% meaning you now only own 30% it means the cost of the likely 20 percent remaining will be closer to £20-£50 for 2% this is because £100 is barely going to make a dent to a 2500 euro buy in if I end up entering the europian roulette tournament. Because of this, I want everyone to get the best value possible available at the time. To allow this everyone is limited to only 1 stake which is also subject to go up or down according to the terms and conditions stated above. however, if you own a stake which is at the minimum level of 3% then you are allowed to buy just 1 additional stake at the cost of the stake available at that time even if the stake costs more than the stake you currently own. In this scenario as you have paid for 2 stakes your first stake that is currently at the minimum level of 3% will receive a 1% bonus meaning that your original stake will be frozen at 4% this shall also be the only stake that shall be immune from the final simultaneous reduction if needed to a minimum of 1% however your additional stake will still be affected if the final simultaneous reduction is needed.

    Wait hang on a second I have read/skimmed through the terms and conditions and it talks about reducing a stake which I have already paid for?

    This is true however when buying your stake you are eligible to use your 'to date cash out' at any time even though you can only do this once and any further to date cash outs is done automatically until your stake expires at the end of the year. So lets say I win £400 pounds at any time during the year and you currently own a 5% stake and you wish to use your 'to date cash out' you will receive your £20 which is still twice the cost of the current stake being sold (28.02.2019 £10 for 5%) meaning even if your stake has been reduced which will only be done if needed according to the terms above. you would have already cashed out once which will still mean you have likely gained a return on your stake with a stake that still valid till the end of the year. plus also once you use your 'to date cash out' your stake shall be frozen at the time you use your to date cash out. the only reason it will be reduced is if a simutanious reduction is needed which have very limited reasons to do so. The likely reason for that reduction is because of if a visible return has been seen to encourage stakes to sell out and those who already own a stake has most likely and have had the opetunirty to probley get back there stake already.

    Your stake will last until the end of the year and cover all roulette tournaments played this year which is expected to be 2-4 tournaments. aswell as roulete games played with money in points won from these tournaments. As for the europian roulete tournament. this shall only be played if enough money has been raised in stakes and money won and if I choose to top up for the buy-in which I am likely to do if its £300-£700. the stake will defonatly cover the europian roulette tournament in 2019 or 2020 if played but because of the 2500 euro entry fee, I can't confirm my entry until we see the results of my roulette tournament playing this year.

    my desition is final these terms and conditions will not be changed. if a situation occurs which is not covered in these terms and conditions my desition shall be final and as fair as I can be. you are welcome to apeal my desition and I will take on board your comments only constructive comments will be taken on board for the appeal. such as quoting the terms and conditions.

    the results of each game shall be posted in a comment in this thread. I shall also be completing the 4 tables above which will make more sence as the year goes by which will help give a clear status of the stakes curently baught aswell as a staus of my progress with the roulete tournaments.

    I look forward to hearing peoples response and receiving stakes as I shall look forward to aiming to get as many people a return on their stake as possible. hopefuly this year I can win the tournament and put us all in profit togethor.
    Last edited by bbno42; 02-28-2019 at 06:49 AM.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    But gl in this degen adventure
    "my danish handball parlay isn't working out as good as i thought it would"anonymous

  4. #4
    Seasoned Veteran
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    In simple, the stake currently for sale is 5% of winnings for 10 pounds which covers every roulette tournament played this year. I shall keep you updated throughout the year on the status of your stake plus I shall put the results of every round and every entrey onto this thread. you shall also be kept to date with any changes to the stake once brought. I shall keep you updated on the price of stake available to buy whenever it changes you also see what percent of stake you curently own.

  5. #5
    Seasoned Veteran
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    the first tournament played is a daily tournament with one today and one tomorrow rules of this tournament are as follows

    You will start with 1000 credits and will be given a maximum of 5 spins to set your highest score.

    Daily Prizes:

    1st place wins £50 in points

    2nd place wins £30 in points

    3rd place wins £20 in points

    Daily until 1st March 2019

  6. #6
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Results for today I had a practice go with £10 each 1pence being equivalent to 1 point. With me covering 4-15 number with a progressive increase focusing around the same 4 numbers. spin 3 won on spin 4 I did a final bet of equivelent to 575 points and lost.

    For my entry in the tournament today I lost on spin 4 with a final bet of 425 points covering one 3rd this game I focused being on the same 3rd 3 times in a row all 3 spins lost

    £10 down in my personal practice go however 2 attempts tried and failed so try again tomorrow. All points won from bets through the loyalty scheme shall also be added to money in points to date to be part of the stake. Practice goes is my money and my practice simpley to test the rules of that specific tournament. Once I find a progresive patern that works once I shall use the same patern for the folowing 3 entreys. if it doesnt work those 3 entreys I will move onto something else. The result of the whele is random but the odds of wining is based on coverage of the table. Also because of percent in varible change it always helps to move a wining bet even though alot of people say never move a winning bet. shall be updated on results for tomorow hope everyone is well

    1st place at time of entrey was at 4275 points after 5 spins

  7. #7
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Dec 2011
    The results of today entry are I won 450 chips on my 2nd spin and my 4th and final bet is 575. covering 7- 20 number progressively increasing bets and table coverage.
    Last edited by bbno42; 03-01-2019 at 03:15 PM.

  8. #8
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Dec 2011
    The second set of tournaments played. shall be some rules as the previous tournament 1 entry per day Monday to Thursday I shall make 10 -16 entries this month.

    the rules are

    You will start with 1000 credits and will be given a maximum of 5 spins to set your highest score for that day.

    the highest score will win £50 in points for that day as well as a seat in the finals. you may play as many days as you want but you can only win one seat in the finals.

    this tournament is held will be at my local casino and will consist of up to 32 finalists from the winners at this casino.

    finalist winners prize money

    1st place-£2500
    2nd place-£500
    3rd place £250

  9. #9
    Seasoned Veteran
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    price of the stake is still currently at 5% for 10 pounds once a seat has been one for the finals the price of stake may increase at any time the price of stake shall be frozen until then. This is due to the fact that you shall be buying in at the time a seat of the finals is already held. I have 10-16 entries to win this seat at the finals and I feel fairly confident I shall.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Master
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    Aug 2011
    hey, guys got mixed up with accounts not been here in a long while and used the wrong one I know you are only meant to use one the other one shall not be used again. I just realised this is the one that has marketplace privlages as this is the original one and i shall be selling stakes for points as well I shall be updateing this forum with my only acount I shall be useing to date.

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