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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master
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    I know the photo isn’t clear but my score was 1672 at the end of 5 spins. I had 2480 on spin 4. I did what I did in part of my tournament in 2016 during part of the semi-finals which was randomly betting in one part of the board and increasing the bet evenly across the spins after each spin increasing bet amount and table coverage. For this entry, my plan for the entry was started from a corner of the table working my way towards the middle of the board. for the first spin, my bet was planed at 200 points second spin 300 points and third spin 500. the moment I won a spin my bets increased even more so that it was increasing evenly to last the 5 spins and in a way to try and make the target of 4500 points to try and give myself a good shot at winning a seat to the finals. for example if I had 3500 on spin 4 my last spin would be focused on a increase in table coverage to increase my chance of winning and even if the odds had a low payout odds as long a the payout is enough to give me a good shot of winning a seat that’s the main thing and to try to give myself the best odds to give me that. however, if I was down to my last 700-1400 all my chips would be focused within the same 3rd dozen or less as even though I have low table coverage and a small chance of winning I need to aim for a payout big enough to fetch me a seat in the finals in a single spin.

    IM pleased to see an increase of points from the balance I started with my first entry just need to try again and maybe this time around I need to increase my bets a bit more on say spin 3 so that on spin 4 if I win spin 3 I have more chips to play with on spin 4 and 5.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Master
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    for today's high score was unusually high for 5 spins starting with 1000 chips as the maximum bet straight up on a number is 50 meaning you would need to hit max bet on a single number more than 3 out of 5 spins. as the highscore at the time today was 6570. due to this i bet across 6 numbers only increasing the bets and not table coverage as i needed to have a high pay out to get anywhere near that unusualy high score. beting structure was still at 200, 300 then 500. i missed those 6 numbers on all 3 spins. 2 entries doun but yet another 10- 14 to go. hope everyone is well

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Master
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    hey guys, not been on for a while I didn't play on Wednesday as had other arrangements planned, however Thursday I had a nice lucky streak as before I had my entry i played some bacarat and blackjack with just 10pounds and stoped and cashed at 70. so i decided to have a practice go on the roulete with 50 pounds with 5 pence being equivelet to 1 point and played same stratergy 200 bet, 300 bet, 500 bet unless i won then i increased the bets evenly i won 2 out of the first 4 spins cant remember exactly which ones but still covering 7-20 numbers increasing bet size and coverage each spin. on spin 4 i had equivelant to 2000 points (£100) for the last spin because it was cash and not points I bet on 2 colloumns and repeated the previous bet so in all fairness the last spin had atleast aproxamatly 75%-85% table coverage. i finished with 117pounds (2340 points) for that day with only 20 minutes left for entries that practice go had a good chance of neting me the win as the highscore was at 2100 points. however sadley all 3 spins on the entrey lost because the ball laneded on the first half of the table 3 times in the row completley missing my side with the bets on i mean at the end of the day if your covering 15% to 50% of the numbers a bit of luck does help.

    the purpose of increasing the bet is the whole principle of if you bet on 1 coulour 1-1 and lost. but then bet 2 at 1-1 of the same coulour on the next spin and win you win 4 wining back what you lost and some. but this also works on anything on roulete even if you wanted to do it on collumn or a smaller portion of the board so spin a whele a million times eventualy it will land on your number all you need to do is bet and raise your bet covering the same portion of numbers conservatively and then the only way you loos is if you are unluckey enough to miss those numbers multiple of spins. i mean if you wanted to theres ways you can use the odds and coverage to work out how to work out how to find out the maximum amount of spins you can play while increasing your bet just enough to ensure the moment you win every time you win back what you lost on that set amount of spins to get to that winning spin and a little bit more. i mean i used a probability tree and found away of giving your odds of loosing of 1 out of 81 spins you do this the catch is when you do loos you loos your entire balance if you cant aford to make the next bet with what your willing to loos the way to do this is to lets say you wanted to do it with 1 pound minimum bets then you would need to start with 27 pounds and bet a pound on 2 colloums if you win great you move your winning bet to the column that was not coverd on the previous spin to put the odds of varible change in your favour. however if you loos, you bet on the same 2 cololumns 3 times your previous bet. so lets say you lost 3 times it would meant you would bet 1 and 1, 3 and 3, 9 and 9. each time at you can see if you win on spin 1 then you would have bet 2 and win 3. hower if you lost spin 1 and won spin 2 you would loos 8 but win 9 and same again if you lost spin 1 and spin 2 you would loos 26 in bets by the end of spin 3 but you will win 27 if you win spin 3. because of you always moving your loosing bet to put the odds of varible change in your favour it means the only time you loos is if the ball lands in a single collumn 4 times in a row. and the odds of that hapening is 1 in 81 spins because you are covering aproxamatly 67% of the numbers every spin. give this a go yourself if you want but remember even though i can say you will be highly likely to win almost defonatly to win the first time you do this remember to stop and even if you walk away 5 pounds up remember you are 5 pounds up you can pocket that and come back the next day if you sit there for 50+ spins eventualy you will loos all your chips because if you are unluckey enough to loos 3 spins in arow your 4th spin will be 27 and 27 then 81 and 81 and then it goes higher fast for me going in to the casino to enter the roulete tournment 4 times aweek this month knowing im coming back the next day i shall do this exact method each time and tell you the results. I shall do this this with £270 starting amount and soping after i win 30 pounds then the following week i shall make that 50 pounds then the next week 70 pounds. it will even be intresting to me to see if its profitable this way in short bursts over a long period of time i just know how anoyed you are because you have been playing to long and lost your entirie balance because that unlucey spin of 81 spins hapens to you.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Master
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    update on how things went Monday just gone I entered the tournament and finished with approximately 5850 points with only 30 minutes left for entries I felt fairly confident I won. on Tuesday I found someone who finished with 7000 points on Monday and even though at the time I had the second highest score of the month it was quite a shock for it to be beaten however it did. on Tuesday I had a few practices goes with 100 pounds each time the first time I won £304.50 which would have been equivalent to 3045 points the second time lost the whole 1000 points (£100) by the end of spin 4. The final practice goes with 100 pounds I finished with 2475 points (£247.50). For my entry on Tuesday, I finished with 4927 points results have been attached as image I found out the following day I won a seat to the finals as I had the high score of the session but someone beat it in the second session late evening so I didn’t win the 50 pounds in points. I shall continue making entries to try and win the 50 pounds in points each day but at least now I hold a seat for the finals only halfway into the month. what I like most about playing in the finals or semi-finals of a roulette tournament is that you play simultaneously with the other players and you can see where you are on the leaderboard at the end of each individual spin. this means it allows you to adjust the size of your bets and coverage of the table depending on where you are on the leaderboard if your at the top of the leaderboard by far then you know that you can afford to sometimes even miss a spin entirely or increase table coverage heavily just to maintain your position however if you are at the bottom of the leaderboard with only one spin left you know you have no choice but to place all your chips on 1 or 2 numbers to have a chance of winning. on Wednesday I lost my chips in 3 spins however this time now I got my seat and need the highest score of the day and not just the session I shall use a similar strategy but increase size of bet much more rapidly so where it was 200, 300, 500 it shall now be 300, 700, 1500, and then increase to a level that is as close to twice the previous bet as possible but always trying to do it so you can do 1 repeat bet at least if it doesn’t come in . but this time we shall cover 33% coverage to 77% coverage of the numbers where before was approximately 20% to 55% coverage of the table.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Master
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  6. #16
    PokerOwned Master
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    as a summary of my practice goes entries I have posted below a list of all the scores the average score would be 2539. This is from all the practice goes and entries of using the method since starting the method of betting 200 on the first spin then 300 on 2nd and 500 on 3rd covering 9-20 numbers starting off with 9 to 12 numbers covered increasing coverage and amount gradually after each spin. numbers covered is done as a block of numbers such as 1-12 with random coverage across those numbers. some of these days I have done no practice go and others I have had 3 practice goes so I can’t guarantee I may not have missed out 1 – 3 results by pure accident could have been a score of 0 I missed or even anything up to 3000 but what I can say is the scores came through and recorded is accurate. if had an additional score of 0 in the past month the average would be 2256 the consecutive average after adding an additional result of 0 each time to it would be 2030, 1846, 1692, 1562, 1451, 1353. in short, a total of 8 turns with a thousand points if in cash this could be 10 pounds, 50 pounds or 100 pounds or even a thousand pounds all 1000 points is basically your starting balance and every 1000 points you are up by is equivalent to your starting balance. so out of 8 times I have done this costing 8000 points (8 starting balances) using this method and stopping at the end of 5 spins it has netted me a total of 18,309 points. Equivalent to 18 buyins. so i could have had an aditional 10 practice goes all neting me a complete loss of the starting balance and i would have still broke even. I know many of you may have little interest in roulette and obviously, poker is the main topic on this forum and some have said on one forum this whole roulette tournament business for a year is some degen adventure. however just like people do poker journals on forums no matter had bad or fantastic of a player they may be they do It for different reasons but a record of progress and results and hopefully obviously never guaranteed self-improvement. but this thread is very much is the same but for roulette.
    I have tested the waters and you know what, it could be 100% sheer luck. but with me being able to pay for 18 goes from this with the results of just 8 goes including 2 losing goes. This method for me is something worth trying. This will require discipline and I shall start a new thread with results from this method alone. Not just a record of results but also probably help with the discipline which I find the lack in discipline can sometimes happen quite easily at a casino especially if you are on an up. after 10 tries and results, posted I shall start with 10-pound starting balance each time increasing it in increments of 10 pounds. after every 10 turns, I shall do a sumary of the 10 results including an average result. providing the average result is equivalent to an average of a starting balance or more i shall continue the method. results for this method is as follows for 8 atempts this month.


    for me i believe one of the reasons its worked out this way could potential be sheer luck. or it could be due to the fact that worst case scenario is you could loos your entire starting balance in 3 spins but best case scenarios you could finish with 5 times your starting balance after 5 spins and any result in between. meaning one best case scenario can pay for 5 worst case scenarios providing you have discipline im going to start with doing this 1 to 3 times a day and you need to make sure each attempt is kept completely separate from one another because im sure many of you are aware with all table casino games more spins or hands played more the house has and edge over the player. this is why sticking to 5 spins is important to giving the casino the smallest edge possible over you.

  7. #17
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    here is a summary of the high scores to date. I haven’t recorded everyone as it was the result I was mostly after. just going with a previous high score was good enough for me. the average high score from the 4 recorded is 4986.

  8. #18
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    on Monday and Tuesday was a betting structure of 300-700-1500 and then increase coverage by 3 numbers a spin.starting with 12 numbers from the 1st or 3rd column side of the table of numbers. monday I lost all chips in 2 spins and on Tuesday I have about 3475 chips on the end of spin 3 then lost them.

  9. #19
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    on Wednesday this time I started with betting 300 randomly across the numbers in the second collum and on the following spin regardless of win or loss, I repeated the bet and doubled it. then adding 100 chips randomly across 6 uncovered numbers using the 3 numbers either side of the column. on the 3rd spin regardless of win or loss I repeated and doubled the bet again on the start of spin 3 I had 7375 chips. at the end of spin 3, I lost it. the high score this day was the highest to date at 12,380. however, as I have beaten the average high score in as little as 3 spins i shall continue this method for the remainder until the finals. increasing my bet to 90% coverage each spin after reaching the high score at the time to maintain a score above the current high score. won 3000 points above the high score has been hit I shall stop with that score.

  10. #20
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    today used the same method as yesterday and bet 300 on the first spin I won 1600 of the 300 bet first spin plus the 700 I hadn’t spent after 1 spin I was on 2300. I doubled the previous bet and used the rest of the chips to cover and add 6 numbers and top up the numbers already covered. so pretty much every spin is all or nothing but with an increase in coverage after each spin. so each consecutive spin has a better shot of winning than the previous with the first one covering almost a 3rd on the table. I lost on my second spin. this seems to have a higher risk than the other method however it allows you to reach a high score in as little as 2 or 3 spins meaning you have a lot more flexibility on your last 2 spins if it comes in you only need to maintain your position.

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