Unfortunately there is like a group of people who if you loan to you might be lucky to see the loan repayed. But saying that i think that the trustworthy people outweigh the untrustworthy. Its just a matter of the untrustworthy being louder and more frequent in their begging.

The one thing people need to look out for is when someone complains in chat about not being able to do any surveys etc, and then asking for a loan. These people obviously have no intent to do any surveys so why would you expect them to have the points to pay you back. Also there is a group of client degenerates who beg for like 200 pts and then go sit at the 10/20 game where everyone else has like 2k, and try for a miracle.

But there majority of people here deserve the benefit of the doubt. Just because the minorty is louder and more frequent in begging doesnt mean they are the majority.