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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Master aldo2010's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Single-Table No-Limit Tournaments

    This section is on how to win the single table NL tournaments. The buyins range from $5 to $2000, so play whatever is suitable for your bankroll. There are single table tournaments at live casinos as well sometimes, and others play this type of game in their home games. Just note that this assumes a payoff structure of 50% to first, 30% to second, and 20% to third. It also assumes ten players playing the game.

    The way I'll write this strategy guide is by the blind size. Note: The overall strategy is to get ahead quick and stay ahead, or to not die and then quickly come back later. In other words, you'll become the boss of the table throughout the game if you get good cards and get lucky early, or you'll be hanging in there until the late rounds when you make a big move.


    10-15, 10-20:
    Regular game, aim to trap a big hand if possible and double up. Don't be afraid to call or go to the flop with a marginal hand that has high implied odds. So, in an unraised pot, I'll go in with 78 suited, because I know if I hit the hand well, I can get paid off quite nicely.

    15-30, 25-50:
    Tight aggressive play when possible, aim to win a big pot but avoid putting yourself all-in or seriously depleting your stack. In layman's terms, play only good hands (the top tier) but don't be afraid to play them strongly.

    50-100, 100-200:
    You're in three possible situations after the first 30 hands and into these blinds:
    <LI class=MsoNormal>You're short stacked -- you can only afford about 4 big blinds at the level, and those big blinds are just going to get more expensive. Go all-in with A and a high card, or any pair preflop (provided another person hasn't bet for a lot already). You want enough chips to survive and get into at least third place <LI class=MsoNormal>Large stacked -- you won a big hand in those first 30. Don't let people double through, though try to continue to increase slowly, avoid a big confrontation unless you clearly have the best of it. Steal the blinds a lot when you have a decent hand- just put in the minimal raise. Your goal is to win, not to place.
    * Very short -- you are almost out. You have to fight and fight quick. Take a couple long shots, go all-in with KQ if you have it, etc. There's nothing worse than being blinded to death. If you're big blind and can only afford one to two more big blinds, go all-in no matter what (so if you paid the big blind of 50 and have about 75 in reserve, go all in no matter what).

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro BoostMyBR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Please quit making posts such as these because that is copying someone else's writing and you aren't providing a source of where you got it so it is known as plagiarism.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master aldo2010's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    this is an article of poker strategy , for what i would write this article otherwise i can copy it. nothing changes, since an article does not change, I am not a writer

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master aldo2010's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I just want to bring back something new on this forums

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