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Thread: Freeroll money

  1. #1
    Experienced Member
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    Freeroll money

    Ok so I play a lot of po freerolls expecially at carbon, but I can't seem to win with the money I earn in freerolls I play very well but feel I get skrewed by carbon poker. Anyone else go through that?

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    It means you aren't as good as you think you are. You need to be actively working on improving your game if you want to see results.
    I'm gonna give that bitch a freeroll, bitches love freerolls.

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member P0K3R4F00D's Avatar
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    we all get screwed by carbon.
    what type games are you playing?
    maybe save a few bucks up then play a few dbl or nothings and try to build a roll
    sucks winning 2 or 3 bucks and trying to roll up.
    I poker face off and now she faceless.
    I poker so much I deserve a bracelet!

  4. #4
    Seasoned Veteran
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    I'd imagine anyone, even the best player out there given 2$ could wind up losing the br if that's all it was......good or bad variance will take its toll and starting from just small freeroll winnings you need to hit a good swing early to be able to get a head start on the build to withstand variance.

    Obv improvement is always a must, but something else for thought is perhaps to build from freerolls and don't play with the $ until you have a small br built up, I am doing something similar with the po freerolls on acr whereby I have no plans on playing with the $ until I have at least 20$ so 10bi for 2nl cash games which should certainly be a start to build a br....just food for thought to the OP as it will also allow you to play some, step back review the hands you played post hands you want feedback on and improve your game while still being able to play and not have to wait for the next freeroll cash.

    Think about it this way, what provides the best opportunity to improve. 20 one time shots at playing, or 20 buyins that allow you to lose a couple review and see where you could have gone wrong and then improve on the mistakes without having to wait for the next freeroll cash......experience means a lot and consistently playing for real $$ will bring more experience than playing freerolls and only playing real $$$ when you happen to cash a freeroll.

    Good Luck.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    wait till u build a bigger bankroll off the freerolls before starting the buy ins!

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I was doing the same $ in freeroll and hop into a tourney with that $$..lose and be broke again..well now I took 1$ I won on ACR and started to grind in some .01/.02 cash far so bank roll isn't huge by any means but its enough to where I can join a 2$ tourney every now and then while im still in the low cash roll managing is key to building a roll...good luck!

  7. #7
    Seasoned Veteran
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    I seen the same for a bit and i wondered the same stuff wondered about some players who call with crap and hit when i got pocket aces it sucks bad.I think theres something wrong with that.

  8. #8
    Experienced Member
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    I think first do you go right from the freeroll to a tournament or do you wait like a day,I have found when I finish one tournament and try to play another right after that I never do good, I think it is because even though I don't feel tired my brain actually is and I don't play at my best,I find when I look back at what happened I find I was in hands I should not have been in and sometimes calling when I know Im beat. also maybe you should try and play some low limit or fixed limit cash games to get a little more money to play with.Maybe try one of those $1 double up sit and go's

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    you cant play the way you do ine the freerolls as you do in atual cash game sng

  10. #10
    Joe is offline
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    Your probably not really getting skrewed by carbon, your probably not as great as you think you are.
    I would suggest trying the double or nothing sngs, and don't let the winning get to your head.
    I think alot of people, myself included, start getting over-confident and make plays that one would normally not make.
    Also, I would suggest using the poker calculator that carbon provides.

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