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  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    1/3 no limit live cash game hand

    Here is a hand I am wondering if I took the wrong line on, mind you this is all from memory, I will post why I did what I did after some replies

    9 handed

    Hero 127$ AQo middle postion
    Villain 300+ btn
    Don't remember rest

    Folds to me
    Hero bets 15
    Villain calls
    Heads up
    3c 7d 2s
    Hero bets 15
    Villain calls
    Hero checks
    Villain bets 25
    Hero calls looking reluctant
    Hero checks
    Villain all in
    Hero calls

    Mind you I have been super tight for like 45 mins at this table and pegged villain as very loose some what aggressive

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    For me, I am getting out on the turn, I have no problem with the preflop raise, or the continuation bet. I understand the call on turn, if you think he is just trying to buy it, but you said he is loose, so could of easily hit a piece of the board, I play live and guys like that I know will call with ANYTHING, and J9,Q9,K9, and A (2,3,7, or 9) are easily in the range if he is type of player I am thinking of when you say very loose. So at this pt you've committed 30 bucks but still have 97 behind, so I would let it go with the $25 bet on turn, but once you make that call, I understand the allin call, by calling turn, you are putting him on bluff, so not much different calling the river allin. Hope your hero call worked out.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Could be right or wrong. Need more info than "villain as very loose some what aggressive". Calling an ai with Ahi is rare and requires A LOT of info/hand history.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Pre flop raise is standard. Depending how aggressive the player is ill often just check a flop like that and float a call bet. If they bet the then again I'll probably just fold. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with the continuation bet I just don't like to bet out of position often.
    But yeah making the turn and river call would take a lot of history with the player.. Did you win the hand?


  5. #5
    New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    sorry i didnt reply for a while,, ya i took this hand down

  6. #6
    PokerOwned God greengiant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yeah i'd say it's a good play. U just never know sometimes when it happens that way so it's hard to tell if it's the correct 100% play or in the middle a little bit or what... good poker, good luckl!!!
    Our body is the temple of God. No man shalt mix clay with iron will surely perish.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    The biggest thing is your stack size. You start the hand with 42 big blinds. You don't want to 5x here. Also promo and rake drop you have to factor in. I would want 100bb stack here but with 42bb I am opening to $8. But again 1/3 is rake trap so you really want to open to play $1/2 or deep stacked $2/5.

    Once opened to $8 you can probably just x/f flop or fire two barrels because low flops where the high card is likely to change are great to fire multi barrels and a lot of turn cards improve your range. Personally, as a nit, I open smaller and just check this hand down for showdown value at lowstakes live cash.

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