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  1. #561
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i did a 289 points servey on matonomy and didnt recieve my points?

  2. #562
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    just did a qoute on insurence didnt recieve the 510 points for complting it?

  3. #563
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadJohn View Post
    i am running Win7 and i cant seem to get the "screen shots"
    BIgBad John: Open up OneNote: click on options and add OneNote icon to system tray at bottom right of your screen. Once its there, right clisk and click on screen clipping. Your screen will go opaque - point, drag and click to size. Go to email and paste it in...

  4. #564
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This is a reply to ImaBeast.... See my OneNote directions in reply Big John... You could also try a
    "Print Screen". Just click on Print Screen button ( may have to hit shift or Fn on your particular lap top)and then Ctrl C, Ctrl V....but is captures your whole screen so take down the porn first...
    Last edited by LaserCats; 04-09-2012 at 10:09 AM. Reason: reply wasn't stated...

  5. #565
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    @zarrmonster.... Once you have been doing this for a while - you will notice that companies put up the different offers for the same vendor. This means that Pickle download shows up 7x - you can only do it once though.Or, SHopper toolbar is there like 10x - but once you register 1x under 1 offer I believe it blocks you from points if you down load it from a completeley different offer - with a different name. Arca subscriptions seem to be the same way...Once you subscribe to arca it doesn matter if you do their Joke offer, or others - you only get points one time. I have done 10 downloads in the past week or two (because I cant tell if I have done them before or if they are from the same vendor) only to waste my time down loading and uninstalling.

    On another site I screen clipped the down load and emailed Radium1 - they gave me my points but Im not going through that BSD anymore. I have down loaded viruses as well - and seen my email compromised by one of these downloads - theyu sell your email address to some BS overseas spemmer. Not that they are all bad but they should be banned form virtual cash sites my honest Oppinion.

  6. #566
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    so, no big deal/..............

  7. #567
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i took a usamp 225 pointer servey and didnt get my points

  8. #568
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i did the 32 pointer on arcamax in sponsor pay and didnt recieve the points?

  9. #569
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i just took a 277 pointer servey from matonomy and dint recieve my points what do i do to get them?

  10. #570
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by LaserCats View Post
    @zarrmonster.... Once you have been doing this for a while - you will notice that companies put up the different offers for the same vendor. This means that Pickle download shows up 7x - you can only do it once though.Or, SHopper toolbar is there like 10x - but once you register 1x under 1 offer I believe it blocks you from points if you down load it from a completeley different offer - with a different name. Arca subscriptions seem to be the same way...Once you subscribe to arca it doesn matter if you do their Joke offer, or others - you only get points one time. I have done 10 downloads in the past week or two (because I cant tell if I have done them before or if they are from the same vendor) only to waste my time down loading and uninstalling.

    On another site I screen clipped the down load and emailed Radium1 - they gave me my points but Im not going through that BSD anymore. I have down loaded viruses as well - and seen my email compromised by one of these downloads - theyu sell your email address to some BS overseas spemmer. Not that they are all bad but they should be banned form virtual cash sites my honest Oppinion.
    good tip, thanks

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