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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    NASCAR Cafe Burrito Challenge

    Even in a recession, bigger is still apparently better. Either that or someone at the Sahara Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas just really likes burritos. The hotel's NASCAR Cafe has begun selling a two-foot, six-pound burrito called "The Bomb." The reward for finishing the monstrous meal? "Free unlimited rides on a roller coaster that runs in both forward and reverse." Oh and a t-shirt saying, they "Conquered the Bomb."

    Say what? How about letting the winner recuperate from a near-death food coma in a penthouse suite? Roller-coaster rides. Jeez.

    However, we do like the t-shirts given to folks who accept the challenge but fail. They receive an extra-small pink t-shirt that says "Weenie." And they have to pay the $19.95 burrito price.

    The Sahara has unveiled The Bomb just as NASCAR season kicks off in Las Vegas this weekend. And their roller-coaster ride, Speed, is reopening this weekend as well. It's pretty much the only place NASCAR fans will want to be this weekend since the hotel also has the The Las Vegas Cyber Speedway onsite, The NASCAR Racewear Shop, the late Dale Earnhardt’s #3 car on display and of course the NASCAR cafe.

    Room rates tonight were going for $115 but during the week you can get rooms for as low as $23. God, we love Vegas in the recession.

    NASCAR Cafe in Vegas Selling 2-foot, 6-pound Burrito || HotelChatter

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Moderator
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    Jan 2011
    But how much is the Beer ??? gotta have something to wash this "snack" down

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    I'm thinking about trying to do this this weekend. I am training for it right now.

    I first heard about this challenge a few months ago on an episode of Man Versus Food. Unlimited rides on the roller coaster for life, would be sick. Also, getting that much food for free, is a sweet perk too. I can eat a ton of food, but I have never really weighed the food I eat. I was starving one morning, and knew I was going to eat a lot, so I made this 7 egg omelet, stuffed with a crap load of ingredients, then threw it on a scale, it was 4 lbs. I ate the entire thing, then 2 pieces of toast, and could have ate more.

    Tonite, I ate a good at least 4 lb meal. I had a side cesar salad, then a huge dinner salad, with several scoops of cottage cheese and dressing. That was at least a pound in itself. I then ate a burger, and a nice pile of french fries, and a nice pile of curly fries, then topped it off with a bowl of corn chowder. I could have kept going, but the cafeteria was closing down, and it was my first run at any big ass meal in a little while.

    Gonna keep training this week. Going to eat a massive dinner every nite, and try an eat more than the previous nite. Also, I want to go to Chipotle, and get a burrito, with two tortillas, and stuffed with extra everything. Then go to a grocery store and throw it on a produce scale. Thats how I always eat Chipotle, and I can toss one of those back, but its definitely got some girth, but Im guessing only1/3 the size of this thing.

    The hardest part is, number one, the shear amount of starches. Those dont digest easy, they really stick. Second, the fact every bite is the same thing over and over. I'm pretty damn sure, I am physically capable of doin this, its going to be a mental hurdle though. I think I can do it.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadJohn View Post
    But how much is the Beer ??? gotta have something to wash this "snack" down
    Dont know, prolly a little pricey, but I dont care, the first thing Im dong after I get down to a couple bites left, is buying a nice ice cold Dos Equis.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Moderator
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    actually i suggest .. sipping water while eating the MONSTER (helps digestion) and then your ice cold Dos Equis

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Definitely, was planning on sipping something during the event.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Seriously trained for this last nite.

    I went to Chipotle's, and ordered a burrito that was double wrapped, both beans, rice, basically everything. It was so big, the girl couldn't even close it all in, but she did the best she could. I thought it was easily a 3 pounder. I went to Von's, and threw it on a produce scale. It was only 2 pounds. That was really depressing, and I pretty much called off trying to do this challenge, this Vegas trip.

    Then I got back to my brother's apartment, and a thought occurred to me. If I eat this entire burrito, then go to the cafeteria and eat another big meal immediately after, this challenge would be back on.

    I ate the entire 2 pound burrito, I could have eaten another one right then an there, no problem. I then went to the cafeteria, right away, and ate a salad, a big basket of fries, some mini corn dogs, then I got a plate with rice, chicken, broccoli and potatoes, ate the entire thing, then started on a huge plate of spaghetti. I was about 1/3 of the way into it, when they said the cafeteria was closing. I quickly ate some more, an ened up eating about half of that plate. I would have finished it no problem, if they hadnt have made me leave.

    We guestimated that meal, as at least 5 pounds, 6 pounds easily if I had finished that plate of pasta. So the challenge is back on. I know I am physically capable of doin it, its just a mental challenge. But thinking, free roller coaster rides for life, and that failure is not an option, I will do it. Im thinking of going for it on Sunday.

  8. #8
    Master Sergeant
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    lol,what a challenge,I think I have the perfect man to win this,my brother xD,maybe he'll make a trip to Vegas with this ocasion xD
    If your iq reaches should sell...

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jan 2011
    the best coffe is he of colombia

    my country cofee is very very well of the body guys

    eat cofee

  10. #10
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