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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    usa is bottom of the barrel in freeroll action

    hell in a handbasket, lucco brazzi (foreigners) sleeps with the fishes(donks),the song -im back in the ussr, back in the ussr, im going to get a new job, my bad beat action is the lowest its been ever, dont u love the legal system in the usa- they say its the best in the world-hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we have he highest crime rate and 90% of serial killers r from usa, our court systems arent tied up and we have plenty of prosecuters to catch those evil poker players, we only have over 2 million jailed prisoners so lets add a couple more. lets also keep health care on the back burner, this poker thing is much more important. the truth is someone else is behind all this online poker destruction spree and it probably is some casinos, all types because they would benifit. but u can still play poker here so i really dont know who is the culprit. if i knew of a better place to live i would move , canada is great but u freeze and i cant take the cold. western europe is great but i would be all alone. im stuck here. the best thing about usa is that we have the best golf courses in the world. california ,southeast and hawaii just about the best weather. entertainment galore. we need to take poker away so the people can blow it elsewhere like the track or sportsbetting which is legal.we wonthave a homeless problem once we get rid of online poker completely because that is the major cause of becoming broke. we might cure aids and other diseases by all the saved money from online poker. i gauess those old time babtists were right that cards and dancing r a grievious evil. the prosecutors have to make a living and must keep busy, i guess ther isnt enough people on the fbis most wanted list so lets add ft and ps and the evil men behind this atroucious and hitleristic evil of online online poker does have 4 6s and it might be the antichrist. they drew lots to replace Judas, i guess that crime of gambling has went past the statute of limitations. the irony is this, there r a million more important things to take care of in the usa than this poker crusade. they tried to stop alcohol, but it came back and im sure after a while online poker will be completely legal in the usa.just dont drive under the influence of a really bad beat that knocked u out, u might wreck the car. i forgot most online poker is at home, your sanctuary

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    (usa is bottom of the barrel in freeroll action
    hell in a handbasket, lucco brazzi (foreigners) sleeps with the fishes(donks),the song -im back in the ussr, back in the ussr, im going to get a new job, my bad beat action is the lowest its been ever, dont u love the legal system in the usa- they say its the best in the world-hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we have he highest crime rate and 90% of serial killers r from usa, our court systems arent tied up and we have plenty of prosecuters to catch those evil poker players, we only have over 2 million jailed prisoners so lets add a couple more. lets also keep health care on the back burner, this poker thing is much more important. the truth is someone else is behind all this online poker destruction spree and it probably is some casinos, all types because they would benifit. but u can still play poker here so i really dont know who is the culprit. if i knew of a better place to live i would move , canada is great but u freeze and i cant take the cold. western europe is great but i would be all alone. im stuck here. the best thing about usa is that we have the best golf courses in the world. california ,southeast and hawaii just about the best weather. entertainment galore. we need to take poker away so the people can blow it elsewhere like the track or sportsbetting which is legal.we wonthave a homeless problem once we get rid of online poker completely because that is the major cause of becoming broke. we might cure aids and other diseases by all the saved money from online poker. i gauess those old time babtists were right that cards and dancing r a grievious evil. the prosecutors have to make a living and must keep busy, i guess ther isnt enough people on the fbis most wanted list so lets add ft and ps and the evil men behind this atroucious and hitleristic evil of online online poker does have 4 6s and it might be the antichrist. they drew lots to replace Judas, i guess that crime of gambling has went past the statute of limitations. the irony is this, there r a million more important things to take care of in the usa than this poker crusade. they tried to stop alcohol, but it came back and im sure after a while online poker will be completely legal in the usa.just dont drive under the influence of a really bad beat that knocked u out, u might wreck the car. i forgot most online poker is at home, your sanctuary)

    I really tried to understand all this but my mind really hurt bad after just half of this.....I need an asirpin .

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    wuauuuu is good for the page for the players lol freerolls
    good luck to all in the tables

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I got to the word "fishes".. and i moved on

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