I have noticed there is a lot of smack talk during mtts and even in chat. I happen to be one of the biggest trash talkers on PO. So here is the scoop..... the elite PO players are earning between 70-80c per FR. Amongst the people I have looked up, TightSkills and Wagon surprised me the most. They both are right around 80c per game played. I won't name names, but some of you talk a lot of shit, but make as low as 30c per game. Thats nearing -ev in a FR. Remember, 500 points = $1. So your B.E in a FR. I have heard of people claiming they win $1+ per game, but I have yet to find any1 with over 100 games that is avg $1+ per game. If you're one of those people, brag away. You can make all sorts of excuses like you don't take FRs seriously or that you can't beat all the donks..... YAWN. Put up or shut up. I have talked a lot of shit to TightSkills, but he I think is making the most per game, so he must be doing some things right. Wagon is super nitty, but he is near 78c per game played. There are about 5-10 players in the range of 65-80c per game played. The gauntlet has been dropped..... I don't wanna hear you talk smack if you can't back it up; unless you wanna here about your BEASTLY 35c a FR played.