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  1. #1
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    I love NFL footbal

    God bless the colts for pulling off my final leg tonight

    Risk: 100.00 - Win: 5149.84

    [301] TOTAL o41-110
    (Dallas Cowboys vrs New York Giants)

    Game start12/30/201810:10 AM
    [304] Kansas City Chiefs -13.5 -110

    Game start12/30/201801:35 PM
    [308] New England Patriots -775

    Game start12/30/201810:10 AM
    [309] Philadelphia Eagles -6.5 -115

    Game start12/30/201801:35 PM
    [321] Indianapolis Colts -3.5 -115

    Game start12/30/201805:35 PM
    [327] Los Angeles Chargers -6.5 -115

    Game start12/30/201801:35 PM
    [332] Los Angeles Rams -10-105

    Game start12/30/201801:35 PM

  2. #2
    A No. 1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

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