PokerStars Home Game Rules (This is why we had to take it down before)

6.1You shall not use Home Games to promote any service or product of any party except PokerStars or its group companies (for example by linking to the websites of third parties or displaying the advertising of third parties), or in any way encourage Members to play online poker on the websites of PokerStars competitors.
6.2You are not permitted to post links on or otherwise link from the Site or any part of it (including those parts of the Site connected with your Club) to any third party website that promotes a competitor of PokerStars, suggests an association, approval or endorsement of the Club on the part of PokerStars, or violates any term of this Agreement or the End User Licence Agreement.
6.3You may link to the Site from any website that is owned by you, or in an email sent by you, provided that (i) you do so in a way which is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, and (ii) you do not suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists. Your right to link pursuant to this Clause 6.3 cannot be sub-licensed, assigned or otherwise transferred by you. We reserve the right to withdraw this right to link at any time.