Here's my vision on the Redesigned Task Ticker:


At the top I wanted to emphasize all the SUPER EASY stuff you can do.. Watch Videos, listen to the radio etc.. Do you guys like that idea?

I also liked what I saw at another site. When you click on the +24 Users - It would give you a breakdown of who all converted it and when for the last 24-48 hours. I am thinking 48 hours.

Last but not least.. I was kicking around an idea for a promotion.. "Follow the leader" if you do an offer, and then someone does it after you (One that shows up in the ticker) you get some type of bonus. Example: .5% bonus from that offer goes to you. It would really encourage people in the chat box to say "Hey, do this offer.. it's EASY!!" I see people doing it all the time. If you had an incentive to do it, then you would try even more.

I still haven't fleshed this out. I am thinking if you do an offer, it's YOUR offer for 5-10 minutes. Anyone who follows you would get credit for, for that time. After the time is up, and someone else does the offer then that person would start getting the credit.
