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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    I got staked, here are my bets.

    Someone on here offered me a 5$ stake. I put 2 parlays in.

    Risk: 1.00 - Win: 125.09
    Eastern Conference Finals - Game 4
    [705] Boston Celtics +5.5 +122
    Game start05/21/201805:35 PM
    [951] TOTAL o7.5 -125 (San Diego Padres vrs Washington Nationals) ( R Erlin -L / G Gonzalez - L )
    Game start05/21/201804:05 PM
    [957] Arizona Diamondbacks -112 ( ACTION )
    Game start05/21/201804:40 PM
    [959] TOTAL o7-108 (Colorado Rockies vrs Los Angeles Dodgers) ( G Marquez - R / W Buehler - R )
    Game start05/21/201807:10 PM
    [968] Saint Louis Cardinals -205 ( ACTION )
    Game start05/21/201805:15 PM
    [965] Detroit Tigers +188 ( ACTION )
    Game start05/21/201805:10 PM
    Eastern Conference Finals - Game 6
    [9] Tampa Bay Lightning +102
    Game start05/21/201805:05 PM

    Risk: 4.00 - Win: 114.81
    Eastern Conference Finals - Game 4
    [705] Boston Celtics +8.5 -142
    Game start05/21/201805:35 PM
    [952] Washington Nationals -180 ( ACTION )
    Game start05/21/201804:05 PM
    [959] TOTAL o7-108 (Colorado Rockies vrs Los Angeles Dodgers) ( G Marquez - R / W Buehler - R )
    Game start05/21/201807:10 PM
    [965] Detroit Tigers +188 ( ACTION )
    Game start05/21/201805:10 PM
    Eastern Conference Finals - Game 6
    [9] Tampa Bay Lightning +102
    Game start05/21/201805:05 PM

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    i like the second one

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I suck

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