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Results 1 to 5 of 5
  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    STAKED in $3.30 $800 GTD

    Im being staked by GAMETIME74 in the $3.30 $800 GTD at a 70/30 backers cut.

    This thread will be used for chip counts at break n any swing hands.

    Thank You much sir, Happy Bday n GL US.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    ~17BBs n unlucky

    Starting Game #62287322-36
    funnick13 is the Dealer
    Shuffling Cards
    Antes Posted
    tableburner posted Small Blind 125
    SeanMcgee posted Big Blind 250
    You Were Dealt (Js,As)
    perk4994 folds
    sireverett folds
    soccerbri7 is All In
    jaykaysee folds
    JoeSchmoeJr is All In
    ronlake folds
    funnick13 folds
    tableburner folds
    SeanMcgee folds
    soccerbri7 shows (3s,Ad)
    JoeSchmoeJr shows (Js,As)
    Dealing Flop (Jh,3d,2s)
    Dealing Turn (Qc)
    Dealing River (3c)
    Uncalled bet of 2450 returned to JoeSchmoeJr
    soccerbri7 wins 3070 from pot 1 with Three of a Kind Threes
    JoeSchmoeJr wins 20 from pot 2 with Two Pair Jacks and Threes
    Last edited by JoeSchmo; 10-16-2012 at 06:51 PM.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    DBL UP

    Starting Game #62287322-46
    jaykaysee is the Dealer
    Shuffling Cards
    Antes Posted
    JoeSchmoeJr posted Small Blind 150
    ronlake posted Big Blind 300
    You Were Dealt (3d,3c)
    funnick13 raised to 600
    tableburner folds
    SeanMcgee folds
    perk4994 folds
    sireverett folds
    TRISTTAN folds
    jaykaysee folds
    JoeSchmoeJr is All In
    ronlake folds
    funnick13 calls 1090
    JoeSchmoeJr shows (3d,3c)
    funnick13 shows (Kh,Qd)
    Dealing Flop (Tc,4s,2h)
    Dealing Turn (8s)
    Dealing River (5c)
    JoeSchmoeJr wins 2750 from pot with Pair of Threes

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    N bust to this shit, 7BBs, had to go here.

    Starting Game #62287322-58
    Dealer is Dead
    Shuffling Cards
    Antes Posted
    SeanMcgee posted Small Blind 250
    perk4994 posted Big Blind 500
    You Were Dealt (As,Jd)
    sireverett folds
    patbbq50 calls 500
    jaykaysee folds
    JoeSchmoeJr is All In
    ronlake folds
    SeanMcgee calls 3580
    perk4994 folds
    patbbq50 folds
    SeanMcgee shows (Qs,Ks)
    JoeSchmoeJr shows (As,Jd)
    Dealing Flop (4s,Jc,Qc)
    Dealing Turn (4h)
    Dealing River (3h)
    You were knocked ou

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    up for running that $5.50 $600 GTD w/them too if u like.

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