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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member jayyy27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    3500 on BCP 20:00 would like stake

    Hey if anyone would like to stake me 5.50 on the BCP 3.5k let me know bubble chat or send me a PM I will be off and on watching football. I haven't been running great, I need something to turn it around. Thanks PO ~ Gl to E1 else!

    16:24 <PooffyFooffy> sorry jayy

    18:07 <gimmeabrew> @jayyy27: sorry

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member jayyy27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I will even pay the 5.50 back at the end of the month if you stake me. I just want in this tourney.


    16:24 <PooffyFooffy> sorry jayy

    18:07 <gimmeabrew> @jayyy27: sorry

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