K partial brag post but starting to get superstitious. Started few weeks ago, busted my bcp roll from a bad run so switched to Carbon, great running for awhile. Been unable to deposit on BCP anyways due to needing to send my verify dox so, ok i'll take a break there and only run stakes atm (which unfort still sucking on those too). Now 3 days ago I bust Carbon roll so I'm like great gotta redeposit. fkn MM reminded of a razz tourney (which i busted outside of money)so I depod today, and almost busted it (few casino hit n runs brought me back to $6 over depo tho, so safe for now). However, I also decided to put a lil on Bovada, just $40 bucks, and hit a couple juicy looking mtts

Also hit a cash table for 70 so up to tree fiddy

Anyone wanna tell me why the hell I can only have one room on a run good at a time? LOL this sucks