Hey Dude, we did a trade last night.. Juicy plus points got you 50 on BCP.. I did the transfer last night.. It took a while so I asked BCP what the status of the transfer was.. Their support got confused and did the transfer and then did another transfer 2 hours later... They wont reverse the transfer and told me to come to you! Please transfer the last 50 that was transferred to you by mistake back to me at fearedbyall on BCP IMMEDIATELY...
Your Mailbox is full and you are ignoring me on Bubble chat... PLEASE BE A STANDUP GUY AND FIX THIS. Below are the two transfers
stackedwiseguy1 6/29/2013 8:40:25 PM $50.00 Transfering money to BCP-stackedwiseguy1. Player Notes:
stackedwiseguy1 6/29/2013 10:51:22 PM $50.00 customer requested to transfer $50 to bcp-stackedwiseguy1 by TICKET ID OWK-373-18084