I always get asked about mine. It was actually a joke that backfired and I just kept it.
There was a season of the Surreal Life which used to air on E where Bridgette Neilson and Flavor Flave were in it and hooking up. She kept calling him Fooffy Fooffy, which really drove me nuts and I wanted to hit her everytime she said it.
So as a joke my husbands initials are BF so when I would text him I would call him Booffy Fooffy, and had I changed my last name when we married my initials would have been PF so he would text back Pooffy Fooffy.

Sooo, when I was trying to find a yahoo name for messenger, and I must have tried at least 20 it kept saying name taken. So I said to my husband that I am going to type in PooffyFooffy and if it says that it is taken it is full of crap because no one would ever use that as a name. It was available, lol