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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Exclamation Why does good poker lose?

    The answer to this is: Good poker dosn`t lose (in the long term)
    If you are asking yourself why you`r good play always lose`s the ONE AND ONLY answer to that is your poker is not good and you should quit.
    I know for most it is hard to get of AA when 889 flops and the other person is ( lets say this person is somewhat a decent player) ALL-IN
    but in this case you just have to accept you are beat, and once again the answer THE only answer is it actually shouldn't be hard at all to get of it
    Now for the most it is hard but it should actually not at all be hard to get of qq in case u get for example 5 all-ins in front of you, YOU are beat in bout 87% of the time so PUT them down ( just and example)

    Now to all the people that keep coming in chat and complaining how their AA lost to 37o or their KK to 89s,
    it is all your own fault you either played the hands terrible or did not get of them when you should have,
    and then of course their is the suckouts but guys thats a part of poker that you will just HAVE to accept if you cant so then dont play poker.

    AND to all the idiots thinking aa and kk are always the nuts no matter what flops quit poker right away please
    Last edited by TKD55; 12-20-2012 at 07:38 PM.

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