I just wonder if anyone else is as sick of the BS talk and bad mouthing from some of the other players from PO? I find it amazing how often players in the PO freerolls talk shit about how others play. It's not only annoying, poor sportsmanship, and of little value, but I've found that almost 100% of the people doing it are themselves losing players. There are many methods of finding out how successful someone is as a poker player, and I've found that the majority of the players who talk shit about me or any other player are clearly no better than anyone else in these freerolls. I'm not sure why people like Prawney, JBrazon, dbbc, and 1hatedonkblahblahblah seem to feel they have to put other players down to make themselves feel better, but the reality is they are, statistically, no better than anyone else who plays here. I find it maddening, annoying, and a bad way to represent this forum, for people to do this kind of thing. Nobody here is a poker professional or even a winning poker player, or else they wouldn't bother earning points to enter a freeroll!! LOL!! So why don't those of you who can't stand losing either put your ego aside, or at least have the courtesy to STFU when you are truly no better than the people you are putting down. The rest of us who are trying to enjoy ourselves would truly appreciate it.