Forgot who made original post about badmouthin players or site(namely carbon) and the result being badbeats constantly,BUT I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED IT IS TRUE!! Ive been cursing out Merge for the 1 and 2 outers Ive been beat on and also recommending that people dont deposit their hard earned money there while Ive been playing,and lord and behold,Ive had the absolute worst and most disgusting beats imaginable. I am absolutely convinced that they(the site)have the ability to tag an account they deem undesirable and make that account lose hands ,money,etc . My only adv ice to players is to turn your chat off and never use it. the instant you start cursing or say disparaging things about the site,you might as well find a new site to play on,cause you are now a marked account!! Bodog is where I will continue to deposit and play. Most realistic boards of any site and good hole cards generally hold up. Just like live play,without these constant bullshit flushbeats or 1 and 2 outer beats. Newly revamped rooms and software. Try it,you wont be sidappointed!