SuperBowl Squares..Yes its this weekend...We're doing 100 points a square, first come first serve on the squares..Post in here what squares you would like...AFC is across the top and NFC is at the side/bottom..So for example you would say you want square b1 or A3 for those squares..Spreadsheet is 10x10...After the squares are all filled the numbers will be placed up randomly..Now after you post you must send the points otherwise your square will not be booked without the points being sent. Bets are up in the Marketplace and we will update the spreadsheet periodically so you know how everything is looking....We are looking to have a deadline of Friday morning on this...Any questions can be answered in the thread or PM cocomoowns or myself

Here is a link to the spreadsheet..

First Quarter is 15% of total prize pool
Second Quarter is 30% of total prize pool
Third Quarter is 15% of total prize pool
Fourth Quarter is 40% of total prize pool