I get into a hand in a ring game with K, Q of diamonds. I am in the cutoff and raise up the action. The button calls and the blinds fold, so I'm out of position.

The flop comes AAJ with the an A of diamonds and the Jack of diamonds, putting me on a flush draw, broadway draw, and a royal draw. I bet my semi-bluff, my opponent raises, I re-raise... eventually, all the money gets in on the flop and my opponent turns over 10, 9 of diamonds.

The turn is a 7 of diamonds and I'm all excited.

I look away thinking I had won the hand and see the pot being given to them and then I realized that I missed their straight flush draw and the river (an 8 of diamonds) gave the a straight flush 7-J of diamonds, beating my nut flush and costing me $7.40 and a $15 pot.

How often does a cooler like that go down? Yikes.