SOme type of PO weekly sng race through one of our poker rooms. I dont understand the affiliate aspect of it but if we had private po sng's that had real money buy in's if you'd be able to get a piece of that pie. I know we have a weekly leader board now for the freerolls, but one exclusive to PO buy in games. If you get some of the profit from say bcp from these buy in's put a portion of it to the prize pool of po points for this promotion. The site would be making revenue from the players buying in, and be able to have some good prize pools going of po points if it worked out

basically im sure theres plenty of people that would like to play eachother in buy in games with only other PO members, as people wouldnt play it like complete idiots due to the real money buy in. if you could get your skim off the top from the buy in's, could possibly work, or offer some incentive for it.